Thursday 8 December 2011

Homework 7.12.2012


The Computer Misuse Act 1990 - esists for protect against unauthorised use of computer systems. the same as hacking or cracking.

Data Protection Act 1984 and 1998 - 
8 Key principles:
1.Data gathering
2.Data purpose
3.Data quantity
4.Data quality
5.Data lifetime
6.Data subject’s rights
7.Internal data security
8.External data security

Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) - prevents the interception of public and private messages.

Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 -

Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 - the law for employees to look after the staff which use computers, make sure they have the correct equipment etc.

DRM (Digital Rights Managment) - sets out ruiles of how an organisation expects you to use their computer and how to behave on them

Code of Conduct -  sets out how an organisation expects you to use its computers and behave while you're on them.

Use of Robotoics :
- no human error
- no risk to humans
- consisant
- can preform tedious tasks with out getting bored
- cant cope with unpredictability
-cannot make his own desicions
- can only do a certain type fo tasks,cant multi-task
 - cant progress with time

Saturday 19 November 2011

Homework 23/11/2011

This is the symbol and the truth table for the 'AND' gate. The AND gate is an electronic cercuit that gives a high output only if all its inputs are high.

This is the symbol and the truth table for the 'OR' gate. The OR gate is an electronic circuit that gives a high output (1) if one or more of its inputs are high.

This is the symbol and truth tabel for the NOT gate. The NOT gate is an electronic circuit that produces an inverted version of the input at its output. If the input variable is A, the inverted output is known as NOT A.

This is the symbol and truth gate for the NAND gate. This is a NOT-AND gate which is equal to an AND gate followed by a NOT gate.  The outputs of all NAND gates are high if any of the inputs are low.

This is the symbol and truth table for the NOR gate. The 'Exclusive-NOR' gate circuit does the opposite to the EOR gate. It will give a low output if either but not both, of its two inputs are high.

Saturday 22 October 2011

homework key words review

Hardware - the part of a computer that does most of the data processing

Software - The programs and other operating information used by a computer.

Operating System - The software that supports a computer's basic functions. An example of an operating system will be Windows 7.

Library Program - this is a shared function that any other program can use (file + print). An example of a library program will be the process of printing.

Utility Program - An example of an utility program is an Anti-virus program, which has a task of protecting the computer from virus.

Translators - translates the higher level language into lower level code so that the computer can understand it. 

General Purpose - This type of application software includes application packages designed to carry out multiple common tasks, examples of a general purpose application would be word processors or spreadsheet software.

Special Purpose - special purpose application software is designed to carry out a specific task. Examples of a special purpose application would be mp3 player software, web browser and payroll applications.

Bespoke Application - Bespoke application software is a software package which has been written specifically for a single client to their specifications and requirements. An example of bespoke application software is cctv software.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

3.2.5 structure of the internet

Internet - An interconnected system of networks that connects computers around the world via IP addresses. It is broken into packets, across many possible paths from computer to computer.

Web - Part of the internet which reffers to the text, graphics and multi media. They are structured using HTML and transporting using HTTP.

Intranet - A local or restricted communications network, esp. a private network created using World Wide Web software.
Extranet - An intranet that can be partially accessed by authorized outside users, enabling businesses to exchange information over the Internet securel.
Packet - A part of a larger peice of information (e.g a web page, a document, an MP3) It contains: A header (where it came from, where its going)
Payload (actual information)
Trailor (info to allow for error checking)

Router - A device that forwards data packets to the appropriate parts of a computer network.

Domain name - The last three letters in a domain name indicate what type of organization owns the address: for instance, .com stands for commercial, .edu for educational, and .org for nonprofit.

IP address - A unique number and every computer has one. It is composed of 4 sets of 3 digit numbers.

Domain Name Server -  These are special computers that translate human-friendly URLs into computer-friendly IP addresses. This process takes place every time a user requests a page from a website.

Internet registries and registrars - Internet registires mangages lots of IP addresses in parts of the world. Internet registrars manage the allocation of domain names.

ISP - An Internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides access to the Internet. Access ISPs directly connect customers to the Internet using copper wires, wireless or fiber-optic connections.

URI - Unifrom resource identifier - provides a unique identification

URN - Unique name for something

URL - Uniform resource locator - Unique location for something

Client - A computer on a network using resouces provided by another computer

Server - A computer on a network providing resources to lots of other computers.

TCP/IP - The two protocols that work together to move information around the internet

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Homework 22/09/2011

1. HTML - Hypertext marked language. It is written in the form of HTML elements which include tags enclosed in angle brackets within the webpage.

2. The tags we need to know for the exam are
<strong> </strong> which would make the text bold
<em> </em> this would make the text italic
<head> </head>
<body> </body>
<h1> </h1> this determins the font size
<p> </p> this is for the start and end of a paragraph
<ol> </ol> this is for an ordered list
<ul> </ul> this is for an un ordered list
<li> </li> this is for a list item
<a href="">click here</a> this is for a hyperlink (taking you to another website)

CSS means Cascading style sheets. To change the way HTML will look in the brouser you add
some style to it with CSS. For example, styling backgrounds, styling text, styling fonts and
styling lists.
For example 
<p style=“font-size:small; colour:purple" >Hello

Thursday 8 September 2011


ICT deals more with the organisational and business side of IT systems, and the theory behind good data, types of information and information flows. You study topics like the Nature of Information, Role of IT in Organisations, and Management Information Systems. Also, ICT is softer - but wasn't supposed to be originally - it was supposed to cover telecommunications subjects that weren't covered by 'traditional' studies in computer science that taught programming and software engineering. ICT can cover routing and configuration - or at least that was the idea. But if you want to be a real 'techie' I'd suggest doing Computing. It depends what interests you - computing science will always be more in depth and for people who are happier working on difficult mathematical problems rather than organisational ones. Beware though - skills in computing can get outdated pretty sharpish and you'll be upgrading your skills annually for the rest of your career. Computing is a lot more technical, with less emphasis on business and more emphasis on the actual design and programming of IT systems. Also computing involves a lot of maths, and unlike ICT, you will actually be expected to learn how to use a number of programming languages. Topics include things such as Networking, Hardware and Operating Systems.
Cloud computing.
Not too long ago, one of the leading computer companies filed an application to trademark the term ‘cloud computing’, which was denied by the US Patent and Trademark Office. That was in August 2008 when cloud computing was in its infancy. Yet that act was a kind of starting line: since then, cloud computing has received a lot of attention.
The economic downturn most likely provided an impetus to jumpstart cloud computing. The potential is huge. Cloud computing could transform the IT industry from an asset-centric approach to a services-centric approach. It could change IT from on-premise technology to on-demand services.
The last two years saw tremendous innovation and progress, especially in the ‘Infrastructure-as-a-Service’ realm. Because of the low utilization of servers and the introduction of virtualization layer and related software, server virtualization took off. What started off as a concept concerning the virtualization of servers has extended to include network virtualization, desktop virtualization and application virtualization.
Amazon, a retail giant, has quietly become a big player in the IT industry through innovation. The growth of this industry has not been without some setbacks. There has been the publicized outage of Amazon EC2 and the Sony Playstation network data breach.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Blog post

testing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! testing!!!!!!!!!!! 123 sat next to ashwee